DaoCloud Digital X
Visual Design

DaoCloud 于 2020 年推出的全新产品体系 Digital X,为世界带来数字化的配方,我为其设计了一套视觉系统。


DaoCloud revealed a brand new products system —— Digital X, which delicates to bring the world a Digital Formula. I built a Visual System for it.

Digital X 中 X 代表未知,因此我对该字母进行了特殊处理,灵感来源于开发者在终端操作时最长看到的两个符号,“>” 代表开始,“_” 代表光标,在句终但并不一定是终点。

The X means Unknow in Digital X, I twisted it by the inspiation of developer terminal, “>” represents the start, “_” represents the cursor which at the end of a command but not the end of the developing.

shaolun.fan@gmail.com   |   Copyright © 2021 Shaolun Fan. All Rights Reserved.