DaoCloud Open Source Carnival

2021 年的骇客马拉松主题为《开源嘉年华》,除常规的技术比赛外,还新增拼乐高的比赛。


The theme of DaoCloud Hackathon 2021 was Open Source Carnival. Unlike last year, not only technical race, but also an Lego Creative race.

由于项目启动得非常紧急,我仅有两天时间完成这届活动的视觉设计。考虑到乐高的本质,我以像素为核心元素,通过 Magica Voxel 软件设计了一系列的像素风积木形象,快速完成活动物料设计。


It was an urgent project, I got only 2 days to finish the visual design. In my opinion, the essence of lego is pixel, so I use “pixel” as the visual element. With the help of Magica Voxel software, I produced a lot of pixel materials, based on them I finished the design on time.

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