Guerlain Rouge G Customization @ Sephora App

丝芙兰 APP 专属的娇兰唇膏定制流程。此为 2018 年作品。


Sephora App limited customization process of Guerlain Rouge G. Made in 2018.

由于开发技术限制,我们仅能在二维的空间中设计定制流程(而娇兰国外的官网是以 3D 视图的方式完成定制)。最后,我通过射灯、排列等效果,打造一种符合唇膏调性的复古华丽风格,这样的构图方式也与 2D 视图相得益彰。通过简易的滑动手势,让用户在一个页面操作中就能看到定制组合的效果。

The initial challenge was we could only build it in 2D viewport, conversely, it was 3D operation in Guerlain international sites, and 3D looks fancier than 2D. Finally I decided to take full advantage of 2D design, with the spotlights effect and repeated rouges, it’s very vintage and glam, just like the Guerlain Roug G visual style. Besides, users could directly get the customization result in current page via easy swipe gestures.   |   Copyright © 2021 Shaolun Fan. All Rights Reserved.