Ni Shang
High Land Tea

霓上高山茶是一家将高品质茶叶与互联网结合的新产品。通过在软件上的操作,用户可以认购茶庄园,获得产出的茶叶,自行饮用或直接在软件上出售获得利息。此为 2016 年作品。

Ni Shang Hign Lan Tea redefined tea with “internet thinking”. Users could complete the operations in app: purchase tea plantations and gain tea from them to drink it or make a profit by selling it directly. Made in 2016.

由于业务模式面向年轻的消费者,因此我选择了较为秀气的 “线条” 作为包装元素。配色选用中国传统的低饱和度、低明度同时配合金色点缀,表示茶叶来自于中国的优质产区。无论是标志还是装饰性图案,均营造出云雾缭绕的效果,表现出 “高山茶” 的地域优势。

The main element of the package is “line” due to the business is to young customers. The color consists of large low saturation, low illuminance shades and small gold, which are Chinese traditional color, showing that it comes from China fine area. Either logo or patterns, the drifting clouds and mist keep creating the atmosphere of high land where are always the suitable place for planting tea.   |   Copyright © 2021 Shaolun Fan. All Rights Reserved.