Sephora App -
Daily Surprise

丝芙兰 APP 通道页设计——每日惊喜。此为 2017 年作品。


Sephora App Channel Page design——Daily Surprise. Made in 2017.








We hope users could visit this page as a daily routine. With a lot of restrictions, such as no check-in points or no limited time discount, visual design was the only way to attract users. To solve this problem, I made a motion graph just like to open a gift, which brought a sense of ritual.
Another problem was how to make it easy to operate, after all it’s a daily update page. As a result, I’ve designed some simple patterns, operators could modify it’s size or just repeat them, with the combination of background color modification, they could build a brand new page that match the product everyday without design team’s surpport.   |   Copyright © 2021 Shaolun Fan. All Rights Reserved.